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Question 1: Which was asked in IBM Software Developer coding exam round
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Question 2: IBM Software Developer coding questions for practice
Given in request ids as an array of strings, requests, and an integer k, after all requests are received, find the & most recent requests. Report the answer in order of most recent to least recent,
Suppose n5, requests [item1″, “item2”, “item3”, “item1”, “item 31 and k=3
Starting from the right and moving left, collecting distinct requests, there is “Item3” followed by “item1” Skip the second instance of “item3” and find “item2”. The answer is [“item3”, “item1”, “item2]
Function Description Complete the function getLatestRequests in the editor below.
getLatest Requests takes the following arguments:
str requests/n): the request ids
int &: the number of requests to report
strik: the k most recent requests
- 1<k<n<10^5
-requests consists of lowercase characters and digits only (a-z,0-9)
Input Format For Custom Testing:
The first line contains an integer, n the number of elements in requests.
Each of the next n lines contains a string, requests[i].
The next line contains an integer, k
import java.util.*;
public class RecentRequests {
public static List<String> getLatestRequests(String[] requests, int k) {
LinkedHashMap<String, Boolean> recentRequests = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// Iterate through the requests in reverse order
for (int i = requests.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
String request = requests[i];
// Add the request to the LinkedHashMap (ignores duplicates)
recentRequests.put(request, true);
// Break if k distinct requests are found
if (recentRequests.size() == k) {
// Return the keys of the LinkedHashMap in the correct order (most recent to least recent)
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(recentRequests.keySet());
return result;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int n = 5;
String[] requests = {"item1", "item2", "item3", "item1", "item3"};
int k = 3;
List<String> result = getLatestRequests(requests, k);
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